Wonder Woolies

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Wonder What-ies?!


Wonder Woolies is the name of our new rabbitry that houses our Jersey Wooly rabbits.  The name of the rabbitry reflects the ever-ready, super-duper imaginaton of our cape-wearing, treasure-hunting, hotwheel-toting, Jedi boys-Cole, Cade, Clark, and Camden.  We had thought of naming it "C4" after the four boys but rabbits and explosives don't really seem to go together.  

Our two eldest boys began 4-H in January to see if they would like it.  Both chose rabbits as their project.  They chose Jersey Woolies because they wanted a rabbit that was both useful (Cade wants to make a scarf from the wool) and one that makes a good pet.  Woolies rank really high on the cuteness scale as well.  

The rabbitry was made of an existing structure here in the backyard of our new home.  Kevin put a roof on an arbor and hung some cages from it.  There is a fence on two sides of it as it is situated in the corner of our yard - wooden fence on the side and chain link in the back.  

A nice breeze comes off the school fields behind the house and helps cool the rabbits a bit in this hot weather.  We put up a misting line that we turn on when a wireless thermometer (monitor inside the house, remote in the rabbitry), tells us it's getting too hot for the bunnies.  

We also planted some fragrant star jasmine to grow up the chain link for esthetics, privacy, a little more shade, nice scent, and breeze control when winter comes.  While the jasmine is growing, it is being fed bunny berries courtesy of the Woolies.  Extra poop and disgarded hay goes into the compost bin that is just one bush away from the rabbitry.  The ground beneath the cages is paved with red bricks and is quickly and easily hosed off.

It's very clean so that makes mom very happy.  And when this tired mom has had "enough" I can go out to the backyard and hug a bunny.  It's very theraputic.

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