About myself
Our Family 
Wonder Woolies 
Contact Me 



Cooker of food, kisser of owies, washer of dishes, conquerer of mountains of laundry! A mother's job is never done....drat!

Really, I am the mother of a beautiful (albeit sometimes difficult to handle) family.

What I like to do


Art- pretty much anything that requires a little bit of creativity or could be considered art, I like to try my hand at it.  I've tried decorative Toll painting, balloon twisting, baking, scrapbooking, and face painting, to name a few.

Animals-I dreamt of being a zoo-keeper as a little girl.  Now, with a dog, a cat, fish, three rabbits, two chickens, and four boys, I think I've got my zoo!  My dog and I went to about a year's worth of obedience training together (I'm still  not trained very well).  A lot of fun.  I am liking the bunnies and have really enjoyed going to rabbit shows with the family.  I really miss those fresh eggs (every morning is like Easter!) and bird watching, so I got myself some more chickens.  Only two this time, though.  

Nature-I like it.  I enjoy composting and gardening when I can make the time.  We just amended the soil in the front flowerbed and put in plants.   I like the landscaping to be practical as well as beautiful so we put in a white nectarine tree, pink lemon tree, blueberry bushes, and lavender in amongst the purely decorative plants.  We also have a 4-in-1 pluot tree in the back and just put in two peach trees and one more white nectarine.


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