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Diego is a purebred 4.5 pound chihuahua and all DOG!  He is the best dog I've ever had.  He's my "Lassie"!  Not that he is very obedient...he's just very dramatic.  He is obedience trained, has done therapy work for Furry Friends P.A.T.S. (Pet Assisted Therapy Services) with me, and goes on every trip he cam with us.  For such a little dog, he has a huge impact on our home.  Good dog.


"Squirt" is a squirt no more!  He was hand-picked at the shelter by Cade.  He was half the size of the other kittens his age.  We say "Cade's love made him grow so big..." like Clifford the Big Red Dog.  He's HUGE.  Squirt is an unusual cat...he adores US.  We love him, too.

-Tropical Fish-

We have a Placostomus (Kevin's), a guppy (the boys'), and a clown loach (Mine).  Funny how it's mom's and dad's fish who clean up the tank!  Hmm?

Flora, Ester, and Cookie Monster

Cade and Flora waiting their turn at a show

At the the beginning of this year we didn't even know what a Jersey Wooly was!  Now, they are a part of the family in a big way.  We love these wooly little beauties!  They have sweet, friendly temperments and easy to care for coats.  The boys joined 4-H this year and Flora and Ester (a.k.a. Red Shed's Tinkerbell) are their projects.  Cookie Monster is mine because I just had to have one, too.  We are having a great time taking care of them, cuddling them, and have even entered them in a few shows.  The boys have earned some nice ribbons and are very proud of their rabbits.  See them on our Wonder Woolies pages.


Picked  up two 3 month old Rhode Island Reds in Gilroy the other day.  I like chickens.

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