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Has a never-ending imagination.  He is usually dreaming up some new invention or drawing great story-telling pictures.  His art work has great movement and expression.  He likes "preparing for when he grows up", he says.  Learning.  He wants to be a designer or maybe an artist.

He likes cub scouts and just finished attending Cub Scout day camp last week.  He got 3rd place in his den for BB shooting.  He also earned his BB shooting and archery belt loops there.  They went to raging waters, had a BBQ picnic with their families, and performed skits the last day of camp.  Cole has earned his Bobcat and is working on his Wolf rank.  He has also earned his art, and geography belt loops and will soon receive his basketball and chess loops, too.  He participated in the county Rocket Derby and won second place in the Wolf/Bear catagory out of a few hundred cubs.  He got a nice medal for that.  

Cole wishes for a baby sister.




Is quite a character.  Has a good sense of humor but gets into mischief way too often.  He is doing a great job getting ready for Kindergarten and loves to play with his big brother Cole.  

Cade says "I like animals so much because they're fun to play with.  I like the dog and the chickens and Squirt, and Flora and the other rabbits and the fish."  He has a way with animals which is definitely one of his talents.  Cade has a really nice little rabbit named Flora.  He got her after he joined 4-H this year.  She has won 1st in her class 3 times out of 4 shows so far.




Has been in a bad mood since January.  We're hoping he'll get out of this stage soon because he is normally such a happy, cheerful little guy.  He likes to help mom with chores-especially loading the washer and dryer-his specialty.

Clark likes to do anything his brothers are doing.  He likes the Travelosity Knome and playing dress up...funny, 'cause at the same time, we can't seem to keep his clothes on him!

He is a real excape artist and makes a run for it at every opportunity.  We put more locks on the doors at home but that worked for about a month.  We  resorted to putting alarms on all the doors after he had been brought back to the house by neighbors, Jehovah's witnesses, and the San Jose Police! Each time he was naked to at least some degree.  Things are much better now.  He still escapes but at least we know when he does it and can go bring him back right away.




Is the newest member of our family.  He is quite the happy little guy.  He is growing fast and getting stronger every day.


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